Ava Drew is an artist from Austin, Texas who works in realism and fantasy-realism. Her works center around concepts of life and death, nature cycles, and showing the harsher sides of the animal world. Through close up works of animal bodies, human bodies, and images of death and decay, the work strives to show viewers the beauty in the less commonly appealing parts of the natural world.
Artist Statement
Animals are an integral part of our world. We use animals as service aids, tools, companions, and sources of inspiration. Based on my experiences living in Texas and hunting for bugs and snakes as a child, I study the beauty of common animals around me that are often considered pests. Through my work, I acknowledge the parts of the animal world that society tends to ignore or be repulsed by, such as fangs, drool, decay, and rot. My admiration for the cyclical nature of ecology leads me to create work that primarily explores human relationships with the natural world. My pieces invite viewers to engage with the more unappealing aspects of animals and insects and take the time to find and appreciate their beauty.
Influenced by circumstances such as the mass extinctions of animal species due to habitat loss, the intentional culling of wolves from most of the world, and the killing of ‘dangerous’ animals such as snakes out of public misconceptions and fear, my work challenges the concept of taming nature. My pieces take a closer look at the forms and colors within animals associated with death, decay, illness, and disease, and instead focus on the life and renewal these creatures represent.